Know Thy Worth

Hey you! Thanks for stopping by, I’m Shamara aka Shamie KoKo. Welcome!  I am a wife, nurse and a mother of two amazing kids. I started this brand because I wanted to create something meaningful and bigger than myself. Victimized as a child myself, I decided to bring more awareness to this issue and how it affects specifically women and children. Especially, those who have experience  some level of trauma and either successfully healed or still healing. Speaking on the topic of sexual abuse can seem taboo and I would love  to modify that a bit. I want anyone who wear this T-shirt to feel empowered knowing that their past does not defines them but gives them that super power to be themselves. In addition; I know healing is not necessarily a cookie cutter approach, however doing the work daily, I believe you will be one step closer to healing.

We are Worthy!